See... I actually am CONSTANTLY looking for some new 'project' and 'make-over' for something hands on that I can call my own!! Well, so does she. Everyday it's, "Mom, what are we gonna do today?" Or, "Mom, I wanna do a project. Let's do a project!" Guess that's the creative artsy side of her and I completely see myself!! Besides, if I've been told once...I've been told a hundred times she looks just like me!!
Sometimes when I follow my 'ideas' or 'instincts' (well, often if i were to admit) I get sooo caught up in what I'm doing I forget to cook, clean, fold laundry... u get the idea :) At least until I'm a complete whirlwind trying to do it all at one time and remembering to pick up kids on time... Causing myself nothing but, well ...
Guess I'm a creative little mess from time to time ... But, I'd have it no other way!!
You decide for yourself.... my "mini me"

Julie... I look forward to more blog posts!